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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext


Intelligent Text Processing, Inc.

Interpretext is a text retrieval system that combines extremely highaccuracy with unsurpassed ease of use. While existing keyword-basedsystems range in accuracy from 20-60 percent, Interpretext's accuracy istargeted at 99 percent. Keyword systems fail because English is bothambiguous and redundant: ambiguous in that one word can mean many things,and redundant because there can be many ways to describe the sameconcept.Using recent advances in cognitive science, Interpretext understandswords in context, eliminating ambiguity. In addition, it is able torelate different expressions of the same concept through semanticanalysis of the text. Because Interpretext accepts topic descriptions inEnglish, users won't get frustrated with difficult Boolean expressionsand restrictive categories.Interpretext is a text retrieval system under development which operatesover huge databases of English text in the domains of general news,finance, political intrigue and human factors. It responds to questionsstated in plain English, and retrieves titles and documents. BecauseInterpretext employs advanced linguistic and artificial intelligencetechniques, precision and recall far surpass currently available systems.No training is required to use Interpretext.

Language: C, Prolog
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Intelligent Text Processing, Inc.
1310 Montana Ave Suite 201
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Phone: (310) 576-4910
Fax: (310) 576-4913